Press Releases

The International Snack Fair (ISF) 2022 will take place at the Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC) Hall 1 from September 23 to 26

ISF 2022, hosted by Kaigo. Co Ltd, will be take place at Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC) Hall 1 from September 23 to 26. The four-day exhibition will have six themes, focusing on different popular snack foods, and hold related competitions Or promotional activities, the winning products from the Annual Snack Selection will get more exposure in the focus new product area.
Kaigo has pointed out that there are as many as 100 new start-up companies established in Taiwan every year, of which food is the main product, from new agricultural food to popular low-calorie and high-protein food, healthy and beauty orientated food . Kaigo gathers high-quality start-ups in Taiwan's food industry within 5 years in the special area, and enters the exhibition with the latest trendy snack food and newest technology, injecting vitality into the exhibition.
The international snack food exhibition exhibits a variety of products, including: chocolate and chocolate-related products, sweets and dessert products, baking and baking-related products, selected snacks at home and abroad, innovative trendy snacks, ice cream and frozen snack foods, beverages, and food raw materials , packaging, printing materials and manufacturing machinery, food safety and quality management and other comprehensive food industry-related items.
 ISF has been held in Taiwan for many years to attract a large number of snack lovers to exhibit and visit. Professional seminars, increased number of exhibitors assist Taiwan's food industry to enter the international stage, and create business opportunities. The International Snack Food Exhibition is a benchmark professional exhibition in Taiwan's food industry. It attaches great importance to professional topics such as research and industry promotion. In addition to the company-specific B2B seminars, the four-day exhibition also has professional lectures by major supporter, the Agricultural Technology Institute . In addtion, Issues related to snack food and processes to make production more efficient are hot topics for this years show.

Business Times - Huang Taichung (Translated)