• Pre-Registration
    May be an image of 1 person and textRegister using the link above
  • 2022 Hall Plan
  • Admission

    Show Dates & Hours

    Date Visitor Admission Note

    Sept 23-25


    1. Sept 23: for business professionals only.
    2. MSept 24-26: for both business professionals and the general public.

    Sept 26 


    For Business Professionals

    1. Please pre-register using the link down below.
    2. Free registration is available on site for those who bring a business card.
    3. Each e-mail account can only register once.
    4. For inquiry, please contact us at isf@kaigo.com.tw

    For the general public

    1. Please purchase admission tickets on-site.
    2. Ticket price:
      General NTD300 The general public.
      Concession NTD100
      • Senior citizens aged 65 and over, with a valid identity card or passport.
      • Disabled people with proof of disability. One carer is allowed for the same discounted price.


    1. Persons under 13 years of age will not be permitted to enter the showground. Proof of age may be requested upon entry.
    2. Please wear proper attire. No slippers, flip-flops, sandals or chappals are allowed.
    3. No smoking.
    4. The organizers reserve the right to refuse a visitor admission to the event at their discretion.
    5. Terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.

  • Date, Time, Location
    Show Info

    Date: 23-26 Sept 2022

    Time: 10am - 6pm (The last entry time 5:30pm)

    Venue: Taipei World Trade (TWTC) Center Hall 1

  • Getting There
    Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1
    (MRT Taipei 101/World Trade Centre station. Exit 1  )
    No. 5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.)